Business may or may not go. Why is this happening, why is business not going on? If the conversation were in a different context, then the words “why is it worth it” would cause joy rather than chagrin, because in some cases the word “worth it” shows just that everything is fine. However, when it comes to business, the word “worth” has a negative imprint, because a standing business does not bring its owner anything but headaches and nervous breakdowns.
Business should not stand, business should develop, because money is invested in business, and money should make money, which is impossible with a standing business. Only a developing, dynamic business brings money. In order for a stand-up business to start making money, it needs to be forced to go, it needs to be given momentum.
Before you give the business dynamics, you need to find out the reason why the business is not going. Do you want to find out this reason and give dynamics to your business? One of the options is to conduct a brand analysis. As a result, a lot of valuable information will be obtained, if it is not enough, you can take other actions, which are described below. Very often it will even help to save the business.
In addition to problems with the brand, the stagnation of business is often associated with the fact that the state prevents it from developing. It is believed that business does not go only because the state puts sticks in its wheels and if you remove these sticks, then business will go. This is a fairly common opinion, which is shared by 80-90% of businessmen who have problems in business.
Such a large percentage of believers in this opinion should indicate that it is correct. To some extent, it is really true, but not 100%. States such as the USA, Germany, Japan not only do not interfere, but also provide whatever support they can to their manufacturers, for example, car manufacturers.
Very often business generates corruption
However, despite everything, the business associated with the production of cars is currently standing, and sometimes even falling. From this we can conclude that the stagnation of business and interference in business affairs by the state are not always interconnected, since in developed countries even state aid does not solve the problem. If so, then there must be some other reason.
Another factor that affects business development is often called corruption. Of course, it causes a lot of economic damage to cities, countries and businesses. However, again, despite the fact that in the developed countries of the world there is a very tough fight against corruption, many businesses are also actually standing there.
This means that corruption is not suitable for the role of a real “stick in the wheel”. Of course, it can stagnate some specific businesses, sometimes even destroy them, but it is not a “stick in the wheel”, especially since very often the cause and source of corruption is the business itself. Very often, business generates corruption. Very often, some businessmen use corruption schemes in order to resist competitors, knocking out the most favorable working conditions for themselves.
In other words, corruption does not actually affect the industry as a whole, but only affects specific companies. It turns out that, just like government intervention, corruption is not the main cause of business stagnation.
Also, a factor that, according to some, can lead to business stagnation is often called the lack of a sufficient number of qualified personnel who can develop and produce high-quality products. The opinion is certainly interesting and logically seems to be even correct, however, if you think about it well, it turns out that this factor again, like corruption, affects specific companies, and not industries.