

It is important that the employee independently decides whether he wants to receive payment in this way. Cryptocurrencies are a risky investment, because their value is extremely unstable, and the technology itself appeared not so long ago.

In addition, each country has its own laws related to taxation.

Therefore, at the moment in Remote, this option is available only to employees from the United States, but it is planned to “launch in several countries,” says Vassas.

Rajat Kapoor, head of blockchain sales at the audit company EY, highlighted one important question in his publication for the corporate website: if you receive part of […]

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The Ethereum cryptocurrency is switching to a new transaction confirmation protocol. This will reduce energy consumption during mining by 99%, the developers assure. The transition will be smooth and will take place from September 15 to 20.

Quartz writes about the imminent change of the Ethereum mining algorithm.

Instead of the current Proof-of-Work protocol, Ethereum will start using Proof-of-Stake. The latter allows you to register transactions with a minimum amount of energy consumed. According to the Ethereum Foundation, they will be able to reduce energy consumption when mining ethers instantly by 99%.

Also, the new protocol will make the blockchain system resistant to […]

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Web3 is the third stage in the development of the Internet, in which the world wide web will run on blockchains and be managed by users, and not by technology corporations such as Google, Apple and Netflix. The goal of the stage is to make the Internet more accessible, private and secure. Web3, cryptocurrencies and NFT are confidently becoming a part of our lives. Let’s look into the future and think about how these technologies will change our relationship with brands.

What is Web3

Today, the content and personal data of online users belong to companies that can modify, delete and sell […]

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The basis for decentralized financing

Web3 can become a solid foundation for a secure and secure digital economy.

Decentralized financial services (DeFi, Decentralized Finance), working on the blockchain, as well as cryptocurrencies, are one of the most important components of the new Internet. They share a common goal of Web3 — to give people the opportunity to control their own funds through a digital wallet, rather than relying on large financial institutions and banks.

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Many brands already accept payment in digital currencies, including Microsoft, which allows you to purchase products from […]

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